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American Almond in India; Sweet Taste Vitamin E Calcium Phosphorus Fiber Source

American almond in India is a useful nut that has been welcomed by everyone because of its good taste and numerous properties.

American Almond in India

American almonds are one of the types of nuts that generally have a great and lovely taste.

This product can be used raw, salted, packaged, or in bulk.

Almond with skin is a special product for long-term storage.

Because you can break some of it and use it fresh every time.

The almond tree can survive in cold weather and it is cold-resistant.

American almonds are produced mainly in California.

California where California almonds are harvested is among the first exporters and suppliers of almonds worldwide.

California supplies about 80 percent of the world's almonds but uses about 10 percent of the state's agricultural water.

American Almond

American Almond Features in India

American almonds have a sweet, lovely taste, this dried fruit has an excellent amount of vegetable fiber, some fat, and various types of calcium, phosphorus, etc.

Title Description
Consumption Raw, Salted and Roasted
Taste Sweet
Minerals Calcium, Phosphorus, and Fiber
Source of Vitamin E

All these substances are considered necessary for the body, and by eating almonds, you can benefit from all these substances.

The fat in American almonds creates calories in the body, and the fibre in almonds makes the stomach and intestines wholly healthy and the digestive system completely healthy.

This product has a significant amount of vitamin E, which is one of the most influential factors in having healthy skin and hair.

raw almond 2023

Buy American Almond in India

Maybe it is easier to buy raw American almond kernels without skin because you can directly see the grains, in this case, you can judge the time of purchase by their appearance and even test a few of them.

When choosing, note that almond kernels should not have darker skin than usual and a wrinkled appearance, and the taste of most of them should be sweet, although it is normal to have some bitter ones among them.

In addition, the kernels you choose must be free of contamination such as dust, because these kernels cannot be washed.

Buy American almonds in India from online stores that have reliable certificates.

salted almond nuts

American Almond Price in India + Buy and Sell

The price of American almonds depends on various factors.

The first factor affecting the price of this product is its quality and type of packaging.

If you buy this product in bulk, you will pay less than the type of packaging.

If the almond is bought from an area where almonds are grown, it will be more affordable than in a city that does not have almonds, and the cost of moving has an effect.

Of course, online shopping has solved this problem, and you can easily buy almonds from the center of the department.

American almond price in India is between US$5 to US$6 per kg.

Contact our sales agent to get more information and then place your order.

salted almond chocolate

The Answer to Two Questions About American Almond

1: Is American Almond good for hair and skin?

American Almond has a significant amount of vitamin E, which is one of the most influential factors in having healthy skin and hair.

2: How long can American Almond last?

American Almond will last approximately 6 months.

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