اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

The news on Sunday, October 27

1. Arad Branding in 60 Seconds

1 minute


2. The Blessing of Despair

1 minute


3. Successful Aradi Trader

1 minute


4. The Repetitive Cycle of Employee Life

1 minute


5. Arad Documentary

5 minutes


6. Arad Branding’s Overseas Offices in Belgium and Pakistan

6 minutes


7. No Worries About Business Information.

The Information Commission of the Arad Branding Policy Council offers two services to assist Arad business traders with essential information. 

The first service includes a Telegram group that provides business information in ten subcategories, which cover trade, economy, communications, intelligence, promotion, branding, supply chain, logistics, financial transactions, and independent media. 

This group features engaging content and files to meet all Aradi traders’ needs, fostering productive interactions among group members.

Join the group now:

Many Aradi traders, especially newcomers, often feel overwhelmed by the vast amount of business information provided by Arad Branding and may be unsure where to find specific business details.

Simply send a message to the Telegram ID below, and let us know the topic you are seeking; we’ll guide you to the right information. 

If you have any questions about business information that you haven't resolved through your business enterprise, our Information Commission is here to answer them.

8. Say, “I am a trader.”

Repeat the phrase several times:

I am a trader. 

Not just once, but multiple times. 

If you find yourself laughing, it means you don’t fully believe it yet. 

Now, say this sentence to others. 

If they laugh, it means they don’t believe you. 

Why is it that if you tell strangers, “I am an employee” or “I am a worker,” they don’t laugh? 

But when you say, “I am a trader,” they laugh? 

It’s because your appearance fits the image of an employee or a worker, but not a trader.

People laugh when something doesn’t match the way you look. 

Unless they have your bank account number or know your transactions, or even seen your car, and they don’t know what properties you own.

Your appearance speaks for itself.

Your style and clothing tell a story.

The way you speak defines you.

Your concerns, your perspective, and worldview all indicate who you are.

The Instagram accounts you follow.

The Telegram channels you check.

All of it reveals whether being a businessperson suits you or not.

Before you become a businessperson, you need to make sure the role of a businessperson suits you.

These are just some of the essential aspects of becoming a trader.

Many people who never become businesspeople fail because others never believed in them as one.

Arad Business School has many lessons teaching you what actions to take so that people quickly start seeing you as a businessperson, and what actions to avoid, as these can be fatal for businesspeople.

So let’s remember, it’s important that others believe we are traders.

I feel for those who haven’t even believed in themselves enough to see that they could become a businessperson.


9. Encourage others to engage with your business.

Always try to promote yourself to others.

Promotion means elevating yourself through a process of excitement.

For example, describe your business to someone. 

Did they feel thrilled after hearing your descriptions of the business?

If they didn’t, it means you don’t understand promotion.

Promotion is about being able to elevate yourself and your brand.

It means building structures that draw people toward you.

It means delegating part of the advertising and marketing efforts to your website, social media, or independent media.

Have you heard the saying, "make hay while the sun shines"?

You need to see if you've managed to encourage your customer to buy from you.

What percentage of this process can be handled by your promotional structure, and what percentage do you personally manage?

Build promotion.

Excite people so that they feel compelled to buy.

How often have you gone to buy a product with great enthusiasm, but something prevented you from purchasing it that day, and the next day, you had lost all desire for it?

Ninety-five percent of people around the world buy out of excitement.

If you can’t incorporate promotion into your business structure, you won’t have appealing sales.

All unsuccessful people are such that no one wants to spend even ten minutes with them because the negativity in their presence is overwhelming.

You must be so captivating and exciting that people want to spend hours with you.

When you leave a comment at the end of an article on a website or Instagram, or when you give feedback to someone about themselves, practice showing that spirit of excitement to increase your promotional power.

Easy Access
Business Development with Senior Management
Business School
Business Podcast
Arad User Platform for Accessing Promotional Services
Oversight on Promotional Service Issues and Conflict Resolution
Commercial Meetings
Contact Us and Questions and Suggestions
Nightly Live Broadcasts from 20:30 to 21:30
Arad Branding Telegram Channel
Arad Branding Instagram
Short Video Download Channel
Channel for Answering Trade Questions (for Aradis and Non-Aradis)
Business Enterprise
Report Misconduct by Employees, Traders, Business Enterprise, and Council Members
Select or Change Main Business Enterprise
Register New Business Enterprise or Make Changes
Updates on Business Enterprise Meetings
Daily Business Enterprise Meeting Schedule
Guidelines for Member Program Development by Enterprises
Receive Contact Information for Trade Applicants
Organizational Credibility Application
Submit Documentation for Arad Documentary
Receive Your Photos and Videos from Arad Branding Media
Postal Delivery of Senior Management Book
Member Trade Development through Business Manager Assignment
Contact Senior Management Office
Arad Branding Foreign Representatives
Form to Utilize Foreign Office Resources
Foreign B2B Meetings for Promotion Levels 9 and Above
Contact Foreign Representatives for Promotion Level 5 and Above
Suggestions for the Policy Council
Resolution of Lead and Signal Issues with the Branding Commission
Financial Transfer and Sanctions Resolution Commission
Comprehensive Independent Media Development with the Media and Culture Commission
Legal Crisis Committee for Resolving Legal Issues of Aradis

Comments (14 Comments)

Abdulhameed Eniola

So impressive and educative



Paulo Souza

Despite some political and economic sanctions on Iran, Brazil has maintained a pragmatic approach to trade with Iran, focusing on economic benefits while adhering to international regulations. The total trade volume between the two countries has seen growth in recent years, reaching over $2 billion annually, with Brazil usually maintaining a trade surplus.




Very interesting trend in business dealing in various product increasing sale in a diverse way bravo arad branding



Hauwa Yakubu

Among all post, made on this section, "THE EASY ACCESS TABLE" means alot, as it clearly states easy access to contacts as well as forwarding any query/questions. Thanks to the management of A.B for a wonderful upgrade.



Hauwa Yakubu

Among all post, made on this section, "THE EASY ACCESS TABLE" means alot, as it clearly states easy access to contacts as well as forwarding any query/questions. all post are so impressive and educative Thanks to the management of A.B for a wonderful upgrade.



Hillary Wekesa Simiyu

I have read above the information provided and I have really understood on ways to make myself look like a business person and how to engage people believe in the business. It was really great information



Felix Atanda

Very informative. Promotion is very important



Janet Addo

Very interesting, willing to learn more about the Arad brand



Azin Fakhr

It is highly important that everyone from all around the world shows their capacity and capabilities to all Aradi merchants such as these office videos which are highly important and valued.




Thanks for giving easy access to all the informative links. Very positive article.

Let’s work together to explore new opportunities and create something extraordinary.

Thank you Arad branding




Shaharbano naqvi

Arad Business School has many lessons teaching you what actions to take so that people quickly start seeing you as a businessperson, and what actions to avoid, as these can be fatal for businesspeople 💯
We daily learn so many things in Arad Branding school



Saidi Bakari Namtanga

Very insightful



hadise motlagh

Promotion of trade is very important for the economy, because it helps to develop markets, increase national income and improve the level of welfare. Arad notes that with the increase in trade, more opportunities are provided for the export of goods and services, and this causes foreign currency to enter the country and strengthen foreign exchange reserves. Also, international trade gives traders access to advanced technologies and cheaper raw materials, which can lower production costs and increase productivity. As a result, economic growth will accelerate and more job opportunities will be created for the workforce, which will ultimately improve the quality of life in society. So Arad considers all aspects so that we all progress.



Issack adan

Fantastic presentation! The dedication to excellence and international reach is truly commendable.



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