اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

The belief and jihad are the two main pillars of the economic revolution of people

Today, when observing most individuals, one finds that they have lost hope in progress and economic advancement.

They seem to settle for a future that is not worse than the present.

This disillusionment prevents any specific effort for self-initiated change and transformation.

Meanwhile, in His book, God has promised:

'And We desired to confer favor upon those who were oppressed in the land and make them leaders and make them the inheritors, and establish them [give them wealth] in the land.' (Quran, Surah Al-Qasas, Verse 5 and the beginning of 6).


‌The Promise of God or the words of the People?

While interacting with people, they say that we did not desire leadership and inheritance, it is sufficient that we are not dying of hunger.

Should we believe the pessimistic words of the people, or the boundless promise of the Creator?

And which promise from God is more truthful?

Undoubtedly, His will prevails, even if some dislike it or perceive it as falsehood.

Our country, due to severe economic challenges, is on the verge of significant events.

People gradually realize the need to contemplate solutions, otherwise, they risk both their dignity and succumb to hunger and illness.

Perhaps several years ago, this level of concern did not exist, but today it is clear that people are anxious about their livelihoods, and many are diligently seeking a way out.

Amidst this, trade emerges as the last option and the path they will take.

Certainly, they will explore all avenues before turning to trade because, firstly, every individual is accompanied by a tempting force that, as mentioned earlier, Satan promises poverty to lead them astray.

Since God has placed the tenth part of wealth in trade, He does not allow humans to enter it without the ability to maintain control.

In addition to the inner devil, external demons from the jinn and mankind also impede a person's authoritative entry into trade, yet, if they choose any other profession, such opposition is not observed.

The second reason for people not turning to trade is that lawful trade requires prerequisites such as courage, bravery, identity, character, disposition, a generous heart, technical knowledge, expertise, eloquence, and many other skills that ordinary people have not endeavored to acquire over the years, today, it becomes challenging for them to obtain these.

On the other hand, they have wasted their energy and breath in futile paths, and what remains has led them to trade.

From our experience in Arad, we have seen individuals spending years studying various sciences at universities, there is no more life left in them to learn the useful sciences of business, and whatever motivation they had, it has been taken away.

However, none of these reasons justifies an individual enduring hunger and the misery resulting from poverty.

As the saying goes: Man is resilient and adapts.

This means that the spirit of perseverance and resistance within them comes to life once again.


Recognizing Deceptions

It is in times of hardship and affliction that humans discern who has deceived them.

When one is penniless, introspection becomes inevitable.

The years I spent in university—what purpose did they serve?

Why couldn't all those years of employment and labor rescue me from the misfortune and adversity I am facing today?

Where are the singers and actors whose works I sacrificed precious moments of my life to hear and see?

Why do athletes, for whom I went to stadiums or wasted my time in front of the television, not alleviate my current plight?

Why do celebrities I followed on Instagram contribute nothing to my situation?

Countless questions lead to the beginning of rebirth.

It is in this moment that a person seeks a direct and steadfast path.

Seeking help from God and His messenger, undoubtedly, the correct path of wealth and prosperity, namely trade, will be revealed to them.

In the recollections of many successful merchants, we have heard that a few days before encountering prosperity, they were in intense confusion about the future.

With broken hearts, they called upon God, the Prophet, and his household.

Many narrated that they sought refuge in the sacred sanctuary of Imam Reza (AS) in Mashhad and implored for deliverance from their difficulties.

Eventually, God answered their prayers, and trade became their daily sustenance.

However, some of them, after tasting the blessings of trade, sold this prosperity for a small price and returned to their previous paths.

Perhaps they themselves are unaware that they need salvation anymore, as they understand that salvation is not always found in traversing a path.


The First Condition is Belief.

Therefore, we understand that the first condition for this economic transformation and revolution is belief.

A strong conviction in a blessed path called trade.

Some may mockingly ask, "What's the big deal with talking about belief in trade and commerce on Arad?"

They say that we believed that business is the best job, tell us the rest.

Firstly, we mention belief and conviction about trade in less than ten percent of our content, with over ninety percent of our produced content dedicated to engaging in trade.

Secondly, most newcomers to trade did not initially believe in it.

We witness some abandoning trade when they encounter the limited difficulties associated with it.

If a person truly believes in something, they will never give up on it.

Akin to a lover persistently striving until reaching their beloved.

A merchant in the comments aptly expressed: "I am exerting the same effort Farhad made to reach Shirin, just to do my first export, and even after that, I will not abandon this effort."

Yet, there are also contrasting examples.

In recent weeks, reports reached us about some employees lacking proper interactions with traders.

Rooting the issue, we found that the main reason lies in their deficiency in trade-related content and technical knowledge.

Senior managers deemed it necessary to provide a month of training at home for everyone to strengthen themselves.

It was observed that a few did not even perform a single night of training, stating they intend to resign.

These were the same individuals who, a few days earlier in the comments, expressed gratitude for the promotion of trade and the growth of merchants.

Interestingly, even a single day of neglecting the training suggested that their statements about belief and conviction in trade were not entirely genuine.

Did this person intend to deceive us?


Until yesterday, even he believed he loved trade, however, when faced with the first difficulty, he realized he did not love it, and he had not truly understood himself before.

Similar situations occur among traders.

Many claim to stand firm until the last breath, but a week later, there is no trace of them, disappearing like anonymous soldiers.

All of these instances are due to a lack of conviction and belief.

Not that they did not believe in trade, but they did not have enough determination to withstand its challenges.

If trade were easy or had a shortcut, they would undoubtedly comply, however, since they perceived the path as challenging and lengthy, they opted to step aside.

Had they shown a bit more perseverance, they would have seen that the difficulties would be overcome one after another.


The Second Condition is Jihad [struggle].

Now that I have firmly established belief in trade, I must strive.

Not an ordinary effort, but a form of effort that can be termed "jihad."

Today, our enemy is poverty, so we must engage in the jihad against poverty.

Perhaps, in the past ten years, ordinary efforts could have made a difference, but today, it's no longer enough.

Jihad is required.

We need men and women who are mujahids, standing at the forefront of their country's economic activities.

The traditional 8-to-2 working hours model no longer works.

Can you identify any governmental institution working from 8 to 2 that can be the savior of the country's economy?

An official can contribute to economic recovery by rejecting the 8-to-2 work hours and not recognizing weekends, utilizing all their capabilities to assist in economic revival.

If you look at the fate of advanced countries in the world today, you'll see that, during a severe economic downturn, they abandoned all holidays and sleep to address their economic woes.

By making such changes in their own lives, divine assistance also came to their aid, leading to a transformation in their lifestyles.


Our path is clear.

Thank God that our jihad in trade is evident.

Since many individuals or groups intend to engage in jihad but lack direction for their efforts, they might perform activities contrary to what they do elsewhere, leading to diminished results.

However, we clearly know what to do.

A part of our jihad should focus on attracting leads and signals, and another part should be dedicated to converting them into commercial contracts and money.

This strategy is not a new one, Arad Branding has been following it since the inception of trade.

For instance, when we recently placed a guest post featuring 125 Arad merchants on the Arad Branding site in exchange for their participation in the site's comments, we witnessed a new enthusiasm and motivation for finding more leads and signals in them.

The expressions of gratitude received for their contribution were encouraging.

We hope that this participation continues because, for example, in the free guest post article, we observed over 900 comments, whereas in the article the day before, which was about the heart of business, there were over 700 comments.

Naturally, a free guest post won't be available for the 200 individuals who are present one day and not another day.

The entire focus and mindset of Arad are on nurturing those engaged in continuous jihad and patient efforts.

Those who are here today and gone tomorrow must seek their growth from the very places where they are currently engaged.

To gain more signals from traders, we are mobilizing over a hundred employees so through the categories of traders' products in the site menu, site footer and other products in the site footer, we can make them better known to people and give them a good position in Google with the power of the Arad Branding site.

Interestingly, all 125 contents from yesterday are already indexed today and appear in Google search results.

Let's say in parentheses, if you introduce the link to others to view your post and leave comments, its position on Google will improve.

Closed the parenthesis.

On a different note, we have provided all relevant tutorials on lead and signal acquisition on its dedicated platform for you to learn and implement.

Moreover, through engaging audio and video content in the Business School, educational podcasts, and the Business and Integrity School, we strive to increase your expressive and negotiation skills and uncover the minutest trade-related tips for you.

All these efforts will be beneficial and fruitful when Arad merchants and employees eagerly listen, understand, believe, and then act to taste the flavor of their success.

Undoubtedly, this pragmatism will lead us to conquer the peaks of global trade.


Final Two Points

Firstly, all these statements will yield astonishing results only when we stand firm in this path.

Exert powerful efforts.

Maintain a soft approach in our trades, get close to our customers.

Eagerly seek knowledge.

And avoid undoing what we have done.

Keeping a robust structure, which is your brand, requires a strong and steadfast will.

So, be strong on this path, as it leads to a dear and glorious destination.

Secondly, if a group among you does not embody the described qualities, pursuing trade in a weak and low-value manner or even abandoning it, rest assured that God will replace them with another group.

This new group will stand firm and resolute on this path, undoubtedly making Arad stronger day by day if it is God's will.

Comments (50 Comments)

Roohollah Akbari Salim

after believing in the correctness of the path, resisting and trying to pass any difficulties will yield results. Some exercises may be hard to do, but this difficulty is necessary and because it leads to better understanding and growth, it is valuable.




Our God has said that people who want to change their fate, must start from themselves. Only in this case a change will be made. I think best way to start change in ourselves is doing it through personal jihad. Jihad in our minds and efforts



Zahra Alavi

There are many approaches to the business itself. Some do it for money, some do it for happiness and joy, and some do it to get to their beliefs.
if you are a true believer, this can help you to gather all your thoughts and use them to stand out not only in your life but to help your society and people.



Ahmad Ashkian

I once felt hopless towards the future before I started business. Now after Arad I am hopeful more than any time.



Sharife Nateghi

Jihad is meaningless without belief, so you should work on your attitudes and mindset. This is when your actions take meaning and if you try to achieve a goal, you'll make it.



Rahele Nateqi

In order to be successful in any field you need to be patient and consistent enough.



Syed alavi

When your believes are strong on trade then you can fight in this way...



Mahdi Alavi

It's all about the mindset to believe in your path to get successful, which needs so much efforts otherwise can't do it right.



hadise motlagh

so we should know business is recommened by our God. so there is no powerful than reason for joingn in trade.



Haniyeh Rostami

Carbon becomes a diamond under pressure and difficulty, we are not carbon and we are very good, and now under pressure, we become a diamond that is easy, a rare and unique gem that the world has never seen before... The will to conquer the world peaks is on the move



mohsen jabbari

thanks god we were the recipients of valuable words from the boss of arad and indeed in his words we see the miracle of discourse and he can very easily prove to the minds and hearts of people that if they are not experiencing the joy of success and money from their business it is they are not working enough . and it is very obvious that they are not working enough. because there are those who work enough and get results.



Muhammad Fazeli

You are what you think, the God shows us the path of sucess and the path of wealthy is business when we know we are in the correct path we will reach undoubtedly may it hard but with our belief we bear the hardship



Mariya Salim

Working hard and believing in what you try for is the key to success in every field.



Mohammad Reza Shafaie

Belief and effort go hand in hand, in that belief without effort is like a bare and fruitless tree, and effort without belief is like planting a dry stick in the mud.



M Amir Eftekhari

Selflessness and Jihad are two words that their meanings outweigh the words themselves! They do happen when they have been the belief and then put into action.



mostafa chaldavi

People who walk side by side with heart and heart always get answers and go along this path with a good and happy way.



Rahele Nateqi

consistency is the key to success, if you choose a career with your heart and mind you will be definitely one of the best in that field.



Mahdi Alavi

It's only beliefs that can change your life so you have to listen, understand and then believe it.



Saba Sadeghikia

Having belief is necessary for success in any work. Arad has correctly understood this.



Sharife Nateghi

When you believe in something, jihad and all the efforts you make for that purpose are sweet. Without beliefs and values, your actions are valueless.



Seyyed Mojtaba

We are hear to work hard on the process and change people's life through hard working in the process



Rahele Nateqi

when you believe jn something no one can make you against it.



Juliana Idoko

I appreciate the writer of this article, for enlightened us , we need faith, love and understanding also, prayers inorder to overcome come alot in our home, community and country. 5hank you so much



Mahya Soleimaniun

If you don't believe, there is no effort, if there is no effort, belief has no result.



mehdi lotfi

our beliefs' and mind sets is the most important aspect in our lifes . we do what we believe is right and avoid doing what we think is wrong .



داود شریف

belief and jihad both are equally critical in the world of business ,using these 2 principles have extremely been influencial .



Afsane Latifi

GOD! grant us good, lawful sustenance 🤍

👉Part of the article:
Hear, understand, believe, apply to redemption




when the trade and jihad are mixed the result will be boosting the sale.



Azin Fakhr

One thing that we should pay attention to is that all human beings spend long periods of time in their lives to learn, whether it is academically at school and university, or practically and executively, like someone who goes to become an apprentice to learn a technique. After that, they will realize that the time, energy and money they have spent will not have any results for them, and with those teachings, they will only receive a series of wrong inputs and will not make money for them. Why are we ready to pass12 years of school and then few years of university and then months of training so that we might be able to have a job as an employee, but we are not ready to be patient and work hard on our business for at least one month and become one of the successful Arad traders who even have their own production lines now.



Ahmad Reza

To combat poverty, the focus should be on creating job opportunities, improving education, and enhancing social and economic infrastructure. Additionally, providing social support for vulnerable individuals and ensuring a more equitable distribution of economic resources is crucial. These measures, implemented through coordination between the government, local communities, and the private sector, help less fortunate individuals achieve improvement in their living conditions.



Zahra Rezaei

In Arad, we always believe that those who venture into the path of commerce but are not consistently dedicated and fail to truly grasp the value of business are quickly replaced. They are replaced by individuals who are passionately interested and eager, and although the tasks assigned to those with determination may initially be challenging, the sweetness of learning and the accumulation of knowledge ultimately reduce all those difficulties to zero in the mind.



Amin Mirzaei

Perseverance, strong action, being flexible, and thirst for knowledge are among the things that can help with success and growth in business. Additionally, another important point that this text refers to is that if individuals or groups engage in weak and low-value business practices, God will replace them with groups that are strong and steadfast. This point demonstrates the importance of ethics and steadfastness in business.



Mohammad Sadeqi

Belief and hard work (Jihad) go hand in hand, therefore, we must first work on our beliefs and then do our utmost best to achieve what we believe in and what we really desire and crave for.
We should all be grateful of Arad for putting us on the path of business and trade.



Mohamamd moosavi

I have no doubt that this decision made by Hader regarding the pressure on the forces will have such results that Arad and the forces themselves will benefit from it for years.



mostafa Cheldavi

People who follow a path with their hearts together have always been successful



Fatemeh Faraji

Promise of god is the best light for our hard way because just god knows everything about us.



Fatemeh Afrad

Getting good offers would be depends on the quality of your working even if you are a clerk or one part of a big team. By showing your work by your accessibility they will Understand you are trying to grow yourself, your brand or your team. So be in touch....



Fateme hosseinkhani

With the results that we see today in the whole society, we can understand that most of them pay attention to the words of the people rather than the promise of God. If it was the opposite, the result would be the opposite. A repeated path will not lead you to a different result, change your path to change.💛



Ali AhadTajari

The people of Iran must understand that they have suffered significant losses due to the incompetence of those who were not qualified to do their jobs. It is imperative that we realize the importance of a thriving business environment as the foundation for progress. Arad is the most dependable ally in this mission, and together, we can build a prosperous Iran that is the envy of the world.



M. Abbas Mohsenian

Economic revolutions or advancements typically involve a range of factors, such as technological advancements, education and skills development, innovation, policy reforms, investment, entrepreneurship, and economic infrastructure. While personal beliefs and strive can contribute to an individual's motivation, the broader economic revolution of a society or people generally requires a multifaceted approach involving various economic, social, and political factors.



Hasan Kaviani

Your success depends on your beliefs and how much you try to reach your goal. You'll have to improve yourself for the path ahead



Reza Karimi

Humen are generally not good at effort, especially effort that requires self-improvement. But there are also some who were failed. With wrong guidance, they tried in the wrong direction and in the end, nothing was left for them except a big deadend and long years which were lost. These people do not have a problem of belief or Jihad. They are tired of having to build everything from scratch. As it was said in the text, there is no reason left for them!
But sometimes they can be revived, with an attention, a help, little constructive talks ...
Are there such people who are willing to do these things??!...

🍁❤ The lovely family of Arad ❤🍁



Javad Gh.


I can only say that I hope God will give everyone the strength and will to stay on this path with strength and bear its hardships.
second, with strong will and perseverance around the clock, we can finish this hardship one after another and get the taste of money.



Marzieh Olamaei

you should have belief in the way that you are walking in.
this way is business.
try to strengthen your beleif in order to get successful.



Marzieh Olamaei

we should believe that if we are on the business path, so definitely our journey is true.
Don't hesitate...and keep going.



jalal rezaei

Believe in something so you put your 100 percent on the table. you need to have your complete and absolute faith in something so you put your Jihad in it. One day I will become one of the richest men lived. ❤❤❤❤❤❤👌👌👌



Venus Falahati

We believe that we want to save our country and our compatriots from this economic storm in our country and bring them to the coast of prosperity and peace. The clear goal of the path is also clear, only people who are companions and do the right thing want to come to the end of this path and not be afraid of hardships and problems and endure.



Fatima Radmanesh

We need to work so hard for better life.
If you want prosperity and joy in your life, you need to gain it yourself.
No one is going to grant it to you.
You need someone to light you up and to guide you.
This way, you can find a way out of the hard situation and live at ease and comfort.
We are so lucky to have Arad as our guidance.
Long live Arad branding. 🍀



Semili Pazi

Appreciate the written article, always we have to put faith in ourselves and appointing what we think is right and productive

Thank you



Alireza Sharifi

Belief and Jihad both are necessary for success. No one can succeed without having the right beliefs and trying hard according to his/her beliefs.



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