اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

Representatives from China, Turkey, Ghana, Uganda and Palestine + Relationship development between Iranian Aradis and Aradis of other countries

The connection with foreign representatives is a fortunate event that is currently taking place in the new year thanks to the efforts of Mr. Shabani and the team of export negotiations and export mentors more prominent than before.

In the film you are currently watching, we travel to countries that we never thought we could even talk to, let alone be eager to do business with us.

But the important thing is that we can first establish friendship between Aradi traders and foreign representatives.

Then the two sides of the trade must define a win-win relationship with each other so that this collaboration is beneficial for everyone.

In the public meetings held with foreign representatives and open to everyone, you can participate as much as you can and increase your business prestige in the meetings.

Others outside of Arad even consider the theory of such a level of connection between a group of Iranian traders and the outside world impossible with such sanctions, while we at Arad Branding are building relationships with foreigners every day and have moved beyond theory to action.

Sanctions are for governments, and it is impossible for America to sanction nations.

We Iranian Aradi traders trade with people all over the world, and America can't do a thing.

Here is the film of Arad Branding's foreign representatives in China, Turkey, Ghana, Uganda and Palestine.

Write in the comments what important points you saw in the film.

download the film

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Comments (9 Comments)

Ernest Becker

Nice article


Arad branding est une entreprise impressionnante avec une vaste portée internationale, il se distingue par la qualité de leur produits, ils ont vraiment une large influence dans le secteur commercial et leurs vaste gamme de produits offre une diversité au consommateur


its good business

Mamadou Barry représentant arad branding Guinée Conakry

Je suis content d'être dans cette grande entreprise .

Siddo Garba Dottia

C'est une très belle innovation ! En tant que communicateur je trouvé votre stratégie marketing excellente car la façon dont vous avez créé votre réseau facilitera la vente et l'exportation de vos produits et d'autres part la relation entre vos représentants renforcera l'harmonisation qui fera de Arad branding une fleuron parmi les sociétés du monde

Abouzar pirdayr

Today's meetings were also great, thank you all for your efforts trader of ceramic and tile


Aradbranding Belgium the best

Adio Lasisi

Nice to meet you people a

Uchenna Kenneth etumni

Together , we take The world!