اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

Introduction of representatives from the Netherlands, Brazil, Romania, Burkina Faso and Russia + Surprise of International Business Meetings

Representatives of Arad Branding in other countries are our houses of hope, with whom we must expand and demonstrate our commitment by maintaining respect and creating financial value between us.

Certainly, this expansion and commitment will increase their quality level and will lay a solid foundation for our business relationships worldwide.

In this video, you will see how our Dutch representative 🇳🇱 eloquently and confidently introduces the capacities of his country, convincing us to collaborate with him with his calm demeanor.

Our Brazilian representation 🇧🇷 is an energy pump in the economic and commercial artery that will excite both us and you.

The Russian representation 🇷🇺 aims to establish a strong and stable commercial relationship with Iranian traders by introducing the capacities between Iran and Russia, as well as all countries worldwide.

The representative of Burkina Faso 🇧🇫 declares his friendship and love for traders from all countries worldwide, and this is the secret of economic prosperity in a trader.

The Romanian representation 🇷🇴 is full of mastery, attractiveness, and trust.

Be sure to watch these videos multiple times, as seeing these individuals is a complete lesson in business interaction, and each one can serve as a model for business growth based on our lifestyle.

We have a surprise for you that we will reveal soon.

Thanks to the efforts of Mr. Shabani, the COB of Arad Branding, and the employees of Arad in the International Negotiations Department and export mentors, we will soon witness the organization of online international business meetings.

These meetings will designate a specific country as the destination, where Arad traders, along with international representatives from various countries, will participate and discuss ways to interact and expand business in the destination country.

Participation in these meetings and the utilization of their capacities are open to all Arad traders, representatives, and employees, and all promotion coefficients are included.

Private meetings have significant differences, as they require points above 2000 and a promotion coefficient of over 8, but everyone can participate in international meetings.

Private meetings naturally lead to closer financial gains, but public meetings also have their own special attractions.

Let's watch the video together and learn from it.

download the film

Write in the comments what positive points you noticed from each of the foreign representatives you saw in the film.

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Comments (8 Comments)


Great people with such great business vision

Willian Reis De Souza

I would like to meet the Brazilian representative as I am also from Brazil I think I can collaborate with him and Arad Trading in Brazil.

Reza Karimi

Hi everyone,
These representatives are honorable for us and they are the signs of progression in Arad's functioning. It may not be much noticeable, but they all will cause enormous changes in the country's economical and political future.

💎🗺 Lovely world of Arad 🗺💎

Gabriel José maza García

Me parece una visión comercial muy universal donde todos podemos trabajar juntos sin importar la diferencias raciales y religiosas con un gran equipo y con las estrategias adecuadas buenas presentaciones en el comercio de distintos países.

Thiago Braga

Grandes expansões exigem grandes sacrifícios, e a Arad Branding está fazendo isso com perfeição. Logo mais será numero 1 do mundo no segmento!

Gregorio Torres

Felicitaciones!! para todos los representantes en los paises de : Holanda, Brasil,Rusia, Burkina Faso y Romania .
Paises con gran potencial comercial y tradiciòn productiva.
Desde Colombia en america del sur, les saludo y deseo èxitos en esta nueva carrera en esta gran empresa "Arad Branding" pionera en ese ramo de exportaciòn e importaciòn con èxito comprobado en el mercado y clientes satisfechos a nivel mundial.
A estos nuevos representantes les deseo progresos y triunfos en su carrera , les envio un fuerte abrazo, exitos!!

Oscar Dario Correas

Mi nombre es Oscar Correas de Argentina, estoy en el proceso de representar en mi país a su empresa, es bueno ver como siguen creciendo la compañía y expandiéndose por todo el mundo 🌎

Muhammadsherif Abdulganiyu
