1. Congratulating the birth of Hazrat Abu al-Fadl (peace be upon him)
⏳ 1 minute
2. I bought a car with the profit from exports.
⏳ 2 minutes
3. Hossein Zamaniyan, an Aradi merchant, in the Tasnim news agency with the efforts of Mr. Vahid
Click here for the news link on the Tasnim website.
⏳ 5 minutes
4. Special Podcast for Newcomers
What happens that makes us fall in love with a brand, and we would never exchange it for another brand?
5. Special Article for Newcomers
6. The personality of our customers and our sales volume
⏳ 60 minutes
7. Arad Visual Documentation
⏳ 1 minute
8. Business meeting of the UAE representative with Aradi merchants, Promotion 9 and above
⏳ 5 minutes
9. Trip of Traders and Export Mentors to Armenia
⏳ 1 minute
The International Negotiations Unit and the Export Mentors Team were established in 2022.
In mid-2023, foreign trips for mentors and Aradi traders began in small groups of 5 to 8 people to different countries.
The most important outcome of these trips was the initiation of a plan at Arad Branding, which has no equivalent in any Iranian or foreign commercial company.
The use of the potential of foreign economic activists and traders as representatives of Arad Branding was the greatest event and achievement of these trips.
Therefore, at the end of 2023, these trips were halted, and mentors and negotiators began to obtain representation rights.
It took about six months to a year for all the fine-tuning and resume preparations to be completed, and for foreigners to cooperate easily with us Iranians, despite the fear we face around the world.
Changes upon changes were made to find a way to convince foreigners to accept our representation, and in 2024, this process took a more organized form.
2024 was a year of structure for attracting representatives, training them, facilitating Aradi traders' connection with them, and their presence in Iran.
Therefore, the trip next year, which is scheduled to begin right at the start of the year, will be very different from the one you see in the videos from the 2023 trips.
The author aims to highlight an important difference in the trip of foreign representatives to Iran compared to any other country.
When we tell a representative to come to Iran, they have thousands of fears in their heart.
What they imagine is that Iran is a terrorist country, that there is war and insecurity in Iran, and they fear they will go to Iran and never return.
Many foreign representatives who came to Iran, after becoming close to the mentors, admitted that they had said a heartfelt goodbye to their families before leaving, similar to what our warriors did when going to war.
But now, no matter where we go, besides the representatives of that country joining us, representatives from other countries also come to the same place.
For instance, if we go to Armenia, which you can see in the video, we won't only meet Armenians; people from all around the world come to Armenia.
Another important topic is that wearing a hijab is a requirement to be in Iran, and almost no foreign female trader accepts this obligation and comes to Iran wearing a hijab.
If you pay attention, very few female foreign representatives have visited Iran and met with traders from Promotion 9 and above.
But when Aradi traders visit any other country, they will meet active foreign female representatives, as there is no hijab obligation, and women travel freely to those countries.
Thus, this collective business trip of Aradi traders, which, according to my briefing, will consist of two groups, one of 20 to 100 people and another over 100 people, will be vastly different from what happened in 2023.
Regarding why the festival members participate in this plan and why Arad hasn't tied it to specific promotions, Mr. Talia explained comprehensively in the meeting last night. However, since the meeting exceeded 1,000 people, the staff was informed to exit, and we did as well. The truth is, none of us heard what Mr. Talia said, and we’re waiting for the file to be uploaded tomorrow on the website to understand the whole story.
As announced, due to the high number of participants, Mr. Talia will hold a separate meeting this Thursday to inform those who couldn’t attend last night's meeting.
It seems that tonight, Mr. Shabani and tomorrow Mr. Ghorbani will discuss some aspects of what the senior managers have planned for the festival members in their respective meetings.
We recommend you get to the Eid Shaaban Festival as soon as possible.
10. Festival Members – 11 Days Until the End of the Festival
The table below introduces the registered members of the festival on the previous day.
Name and Surname - Promotion |
Somayeh Feyzi P 12 + 5 |
Afsaneh Mahmoudi P 9 |
Hamed Davoodi P 9 |
Farahnaz Bazargan P 8 |
Mousa Farzi P 8 |
Naser Panahi P 8 |
Mehdi Karami P 8 |
Fatemeh Fallah P 8 |
Abolfazl Hamidizadeh P 8 |
Mehri Ostadi P 7 |
Shima Masoumi P 7 |
Javad Karimi P 6 |
Hamedeh Mirhasani P 6 |
Farshad Farrokhi P 6 |
Reza Ghoodarzi P 5 |
Mahmoud Golkaran P 5 |
Maryam Ardestani P 4 |
Mostafa Abbasi P 4 |
Ghorbanali Ahmadi P 3 |
Fattaneh Rahimi P 3 |
Majid Hosseini Nasab P 3 |
Mohammad Mahdavi P 3 |
Javad Farhadian P 3 |
Seyyedeh Fatemeh Mirbagheri P 3 |
Seyyed Mohammad Dastour P 2 |
Hadigheh Mirzaei P 1 |
Abbas Alhordi Zadeh P 1 |
Azita Dabagian P 1 |
Farahnaz Farhadpour P 1 |
11. Four Stages for Assessing the Intelligence and Wisdom of Aradi Traders
Today, I plan to write in a unique way, and I definitely expect you to provide your feedback in the comments.
I will present a topic in four stages, and anyone who can identify the relationship between each stage and this saying of the Prophet, "Nine-tenths of provision lies in trade," will demonstrate that they have used their intellect and wisdom more effectively.
Naturally, in the first stage, it might seem very distant and difficult, while in the second stage, it becomes a bit easier. The third stage will be even easier, and by the fourth stage, the answer will almost be clear. If someone still doesn't understand in the fourth stage, they will need to spend more time developing their intellect and reasoning abilities.
For newcomers, even if you don't grasp this concept by the fourth stage, don't worry—everything will become clearer over time. By being part of Arad, you will notice significant intellectual changes within yourself. As Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) said, "Two-thirds of wisdom is in trade."
In another place, he also said:
12. First Stage: Your Provision is in the heavens.
I have often seen people, when they need money, look up to the sky, waiting for money to fall from the heavens.
This belief has deep religious roots, and interestingly, it is completely true.
Even when you pray or make a supplication, you raise your head towards the sky, and this act is approved by God.
And it is the word of God that says:
"In heaven is your sustenance and whatever you are promised." Surah Adh-Dhariyat, Ayah 23
At this stage, I am not going to give the answer that the provision in the heaven refers to trade. If you have already figured this out through reasoning and logic with just this verse, then truly, kudos to you.
Congratulations to your intellect, which has clearly made significant progress in trade.
However, even at this stage, I will provide a little guidance.
When God revealed this verse, He knew that most people would not accept this statement.
What does it mean that our provision and all that we are promised are in the sky or heaven?
Imagine now, you make promises to your son, your daughter, your wife, or your husband, and then you tell them, "These promises I made are in the sky."
Then you would say, "I mean in my trade."
At that moment, their mind would be confused, wondering what you are talking about, probably thinking you’ve gone mad.
To encourage His servants to accept this seemingly unbelievable statement, God immediately swears an oath in the next verse.
But the style of God's oath can guide you toward trade.
In the next verse, He says:
"Then by the Lord of heaven and earth! All this is certainly as true as the fact that you can speak!" Surah Adh-Dhariyat, Ayah 24
First, God swears by Himself.
Second, He associates Himself with the heaven (sky) and the earth, meaning that in the previous verse, He placed the provision in the heavens, and now, He adds the earth to it.
Then, He equates the truth of the promise in the previous verse to the act of speaking, making it clear that just as our speech is undeniably true, so is this promise.
At this point, the first stage is sufficient. If I continue, I would reveal the answer.
Now, you can only say, "I understand that this provision in the sky means trade," and you should be able to explain the entire reasoning behind it. It's not enough to just say, "I was inspired that it means trade."
You must provide logical evidence and reasoning for how the provision being in the sky and the promises of our lives being in it leads to trade, so we can accept that you have truly reached this important understanding in the first stage.
13. Second Stage: Rain Falls from the Sky.
What is the connection between the sky and our provision on earth?
Do you remember when I said that God swore by the Lord of the heaven and the earth?
What is the link between the sky (heaven) and the earth?
Well done, it's water, rain.
God says:
"It is He who sends down from the sky water." Surah An-Nahl, Ayah 10
So, our provision is in the sky, and everything we are promised in this world—whether given by God or a servant of God—is part of that promise.
Now, in this verse, we go a step further: the fulfillment of this promise, that provision is in the sky, is manifested through the descent of rain.
How does the rain and the sky lead us to the conclusion that the "provision in the sky" refers to trade?
If you’ve figured this out here, again, congratulations on your intellect and wisdom.
This much is enough for this stage. Let’s move on to the next stage.
14. Third Stage: The Outcome of Rain is Fruits.
When the rain falls, what happens next?
Again, we have another verse where the sky, rain, and the results of rain are linked to provision.
"[He] who made for you the earth a bed [spread out] and the sky a ceiling and sent down from the sky, rain and brought forth thereby fruits as provision for you." Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 22
Once again, a similar emphasis is placed when God says:
"And then cause rain to fall, producing every type of fruit." Surah al-A`raf, Ayah 57
Here, "fruit" in Arabic refers to outcomes or results.
In Persian, we say "this task has borne fruit."
The equivalent of "thamar" is "mahasil," which means outcome or result.
In Persian, we refer to it as "mahsoul," which means product.
"Thamarat" means the same as our products.
Here, we have understood that our provision comes from the sky, the same sky that brings down the rain.
That very rain that brings us the products.
If you want to say that you have reached the answer to trade in the third phase, you must conclude with this data and draw the logical connection. Otherwise, the next stage is the last one, and I will give you the answer clearly, so it wouldn't be much of an achievement if you say you figured it out in phase four.
To give a bit of guidance, I will share another verse in this third phase, and after that, I won't provide further assistance. Let’s proceed to the fourth phase after this verse.
"It is Allah Who created the heavens and the earth and sends down rain from the sky, causing fruits to grow as a provision for you. He has subjected the ships for your service, sailing through the sea by His command, and has subjected the rivers for you." Surah Ibrahim, Ayah 32
What wisdom lies in the fact that immediately after God placed provision for us in fruits or products, He mentions the ships in the seas?
This guidance should be enough. Let’s move on to the fourth stage and conclude the discussion.
15. Stage Four or Final Stage: What are fruits or products?
One issue I have with many people is that they want to interpret every word of the Qur’an in terms of the hereafter and spirituality.
It's as if their entire being burns with the desire not to view these words in worldly and material terms, and they are overwhelmed by intense guilt.
It seems they worship a God who is only the God of the hereafter and not the God of this world.
When the word "fruits" is mentioned, and we say it refers to actual products, they become defensive, claiming that no, this refers to the spiritual fruits of our lives.
To counter this mistaken thinking and to show that we followers of wealth are not misguided, I will present several verses that clearly demonstrate that the fruits refer to our worldly products and not some abstract, otherworldly concept.
The continuation of verse 10 from Surah An-Nahl, which I mentioned in Stage Two, is as follows. I intentionally did not mention it there because I didn’t want the discussion to be revealed too soon. The continuation is:
"He it is Who sends water down from the sky; from it you drink and from it (grows) the vegetation on which you send your cattle to pasture." Surah An-Nahl, Ayah 10
So, do you want to make even drinks and fruit products spiritual and otherworldly?
How do you even do that?
What will you do with this verse, which clearly shows that "products" means exactly what it says?
"And from the fruits of palm trees and grapevines you derive intoxicants as well as wholesome provision." Surah An-Nahl, Ayah 67
Do you remember when I discussed the verse about Allah speaking about wine and gambling, and I mentioned that the benefit of wine refers to the trade of wine, not its health benefits? In this verse, He divides grapes into two categories.
Sakran refers to the intoxication from wine.
When God says:
"O you who have believed, do not approach prayer while you are intoxicated." Surah An-Nisa, Ayah 43
This means that if these honorable people want to interpret the date and grape in this verse metaphorically, they cannot do so anymore.
Because the grape that God speaks of has a state of intoxication, and how can you approach prayer with this grape juice? How do you intend to present it metaphorically?
Thus, it is certain that the date refers to our earthly date, and the grape is also our earthly grape, which, in one state, causes intoxication, which God disapproves of and has declared forbidden, even though it is widely traded for profit.
In another state, this grape is said to provide "a good provision."
If the grape is for consumption, what does it have to do with provision?
Thus, it is clear that the meaning here refers to the trade of grapes, not the consumption of grapes.
And anyone who knows the Arabic language will understand that "a good provision" also refers to dates and is not limited to grapes.
The two trades that God has directly mentioned in His book are one, the trade of dates and their derivatives, and the other, the trade of grapes and their derivatives.
Where did we derive the word "derivatives" from?
"You take from it" means what you derive from dates or from grapes, thus it refers to this phrase.
Please read the entire text and do not rush into the trade of dates and grapes.
Many agricultural products have been named in the Quran.
"With it He produces for you various crops, olives, palm trees, grapevines, and every type of fruit."
This is one verse after the verse 10 in Surah An-Nahl, meaning in verse 11.
This means that we should not focus only on dates and grapes.
Other agricultural products exist as well, and the olive has also been mentioned.
Olive traders and olive oil producers should know that God has mentioned their product in the Quran.
Senior managers have often discussed which product is good and which is bad, saying that we do not have good or bad products; all products are good.
This is exactly what God says here, "every type of fruit."
An interesting point for me is the continuation of this verse, where God says:
"Surely in this is a sign for those who reflect."
So, God, you have sent down water from the sky, and through this rainwater, you have brought forth agricultural products like olives, dates, and all other fruits. What is the sign that a people who reflect deeply should discover its secrets?
These things seem quite obvious and don’t require much contemplation.
Common people might say this.
But God says, "No, think deeply, and you will understand."
And in another place, God fully explains this equation and says:
"And He is the One Who sends down rain from the sky—causing all kinds of plants to grow—producing green stalks from which We bring forth clustered grain. And from palm trees come clusters of dates hanging within reach. There are also gardens of grapevines, olives, and pomegranates, similar in shape but dissimilar in taste.
Look at their fruit as it yields and ripens!
Indeed, in these are signs for people who believe." Surah Al-An'am, Ayah 99
It is important to mention that all products in the world are either directly related to the plants and vegetation of the earth, or derived from them, or used for their cultivation and optimization.
For example, all animal products are directly related to vegetation because, without grass, there are no sheep.
We humans either feed on the plants and vegetation of the earth, or from animals.
Therefore, every product in this world, whether directly or indirectly, depends on the rainwater that comes from the sky.
Now, think to yourself: I have been an employee for years.
I have been a worker for years.
What connection do being a worker or an employee have with these products?
For an employee, does it matter whether it rains or not?
For a worker, does it matter which product is harvested in which season?
When you became an employee or worker, did the question arise for you: which product?
But as soon as trade started, your first concern was: Which product should I choose?
Well done.
You have just entered the realm of the Quran, and products have become important for you.
If you tell people who know nothing about trade that you are a trader, the first question they ask is: Which product?
This means that even people unfamiliar with trade know that trade is about products.
So, the most significant connection between sustenance, the sky, rainwater, and products is trade, and nothing else.
Therefore, it is proven that the saying of the Prophet, peace be upon him, is true: "Nine-tenths of provision is in trade."