In this article, 4 essential preparations for business have been mentioned for you and you can experience a safer and more successful business if you have its knowledge.
4 Essential Preparation for the Businessman in the Economic Crisis
For anyone who wants to become a businessman and do business by investing, several changes are required to manage the economic crisis as. The first transformation is to transform your money into Toman, Dollar, Euro, and… Overall, turn money into a type of product. The second transformation is the transformation of your personality. Gradually, you need to become a character and human being that others can rely on. Furthermore, these transformations are not impossible, if you are serious about your goal and work hard and take these transformations seriously, you will surely achieve your desired results. Imam Sadegh (PH) said: "As far as the most people do not think from dawn to dusk, one who thinks for a few minutes during the day reaches a high level among other people." Most people do not think about basic issues in a day, and if you think for ten minutes a day, you can make remarkable progress in a year. The third transformation is a change in the communication type. If you take a glance at the past few years, it can certainly be claimed that the sooner the virtual communications convert to real communications, the better society we are to experience due to the insecurities. Furthermore, face-to-face communication is different from real-world communication. In face-to-face communication, you need to meet with the regular customer. In this case, you do not need to visit to communicate every day. Moreover, you need to have deep relationships with your customers. The fourth one is to think of different databases around the world. Do not restrict yourself. Imagine I do business in Iran and make a good profit. But it is possible that the Iranian internet will be cut off overnight and you lose everything you had. It is worth mentioning that many sites have a billion transactions in Iran. At the time the internet was down, the CEO of one of these sites said that because of the high costs if the internet had been down for two more weeks, we would have had to block the site. So, to avoid this disaster, you should have bases all over the world, and if you encounter such a problem, you can easily establish a traditional business like a modern business. Since all other modern businesses are being cut off, not only will traditional businesses not be harmed, but they will also be very profitable for you.