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3 mm porcelain tiles architects' choice for interior walls and backsplash

The application of thin 3mm tiles made of porcelain has been a constant choice for architects' to create a unique interior this thickness makes the tile appropriate for walls an backlash.

porcelain tiles price

Not only is this product lightweight, but it is also durable and adaptable, ideal for bringing new design ideas to the architectural and residential realm.

The ZERO.3 is built using state-of-the-art technology, in slabs of 100 x 300 cm and 120 x 278 cm.

The porcelain used in its production is made from the highest quality raw materials.

Withstands 27,000 tons of pressure when pressed.

The firing process uses a constructive and environmentally friendly kiln.

These furnaces are the result of years of research and development by Panariagroup.

ZERO.3 porcelain plate thicknesses range from 3. 5mm to 5.5mm to 6mm.

Because of this, they are flexible, lightweight and extremely easy to handle.

A notable aspect that makes the product ideal for a variety of different applications is the low thickness, which makes up the bulk of the product.

Porcelain slabs are 3.5mm thick, with a fiberglass mesh on the back, and measure 300cm wide and 100cm deep.

Ideal for use as floor and wall covering in residential and light commercial environments, for new construction and renovation projects, including floor tiles already installed.

Available in sizes up to 300 x 100 cm, 5.5 mm thick porcelain stone slab and fiberglass mesh backing.

Ideal for use as floor and wall cladding in residential and commercial areas, especially those with high traffic.

Suitable for new constructions and renovation projects where tiles are laid on existing floors.

Ceramic slate, 6 mm thick, glass fiber mesh backing, available in sizes from 120 to 278 cm.

Ideal for use as floor and wall cladding in residential and commercial areas, especially those with high traffic.

Suitable for new constructions and renovation projects where tiles are laid on existing floors.

Ceramic is different from other flooring materials because it is naturally hygienic and hard.   

porcelain tiles outdoor

Other flooring materials, such as hardwood, can also be healthy and durable as long as specific use and maintenance instructions are followed.

It does not contain any type of plastic, is fire resistant and does not emit any harmful fumes.

It does not promote the growth, decay or development of fungi, mold or bacteria and can be recycled.

Also, it doesn't scale.

When done correctly, it ensures the long-term stability and cleanliness of floors, walls, countertops and surfaces in every room of a home or business.

There are many different types of interior flooring materials to choose from on the market, many of which are often equivalent to ceramic in terms of aesthetics and practicality.

Tile doesn't actually contain any plastic, and it offers a variety of design options, including looks in marble, wood, stone, and concrete, to name a few.

Therefore, in almost any type of interior design, tile is the material of choice for flooring.

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Alireza Sharifi farashah