اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

Iron Ore Concentrate Purchase, CFR delivery to Qingdao Port, China

Purchase advertisement for iron ore concentrate, CFR delivery to Qingdao Port, China

  • Ad Type: Commodity Supply
  • Ad Code: 22030
  • Product Name: Iron Ore Concentrate with a purity of 62% to 64%
  • Buyer: Arad Branding for a Chinese trader
  • Order Volume: 50,000 tons monthly
  • Payment Method: LC (Letter of Credit)
  • Delivery Location: CFR Qingdao Port, China
  • Requirements: Ad Code + Analysis + Proposed Price + Phone Number + First and Last Name
  • Contact: sale@aradbranding.com

🔸 Individuals capable of executing this advertisement are requested to send the required documents to the specified email.

🔹 If your conditions do not match our request, please email us as it may be useful in the future.

🔸 Commercial proposals will not be removed from the site even after transactions are completed, allowing traders to inform us of their capabilities later on.

Comments (4 Comments)

Mehdi lotfi

This specific market is full of potential in asian counties specially countries with more constructions



Abdi suge

Arad branding company is the best company
For today andyoy can trust on everything items



M. Abbas Mohsenian

It is important to note that specific benefits may vary depending on factors such as market conditions, contractual terms, and the reputation and reliability of the seller. Buyers should conduct thorough due diligence, including assessing the quality of the product, the reputation of the supplier, and the terms of the agreement, to ensure a successful and advantageous purchase.



Bhuti Mopai

I am based in South Africa and have extensive experience in moving commodities. If you are looking for a reliable partner for transporting commodities such as coal, maize, soy, iron ore, and more, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Bhuti Mopai



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